Exclamation points horrify me.
I'm worried sex isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
I have an odd fear of breaking my knees.
Sometimes I think mind readers exist and get paranoid.
Chickens give me literal panic attacks.
If my mom ever catches me with a boy I will die in terror before she kills me.
Big boobs frighten me.
I'm afraid of being a disappointment but I'm more afraid of doing what's expected.
Newborn babies make me nervous.
I'm still convinced that I am the star of the worlds largest practical joke.
Simply thinking about forgetting my headphones gives me anxiety.
What if I start liking an overplayed song on the radio?
Always happy people scare the shit out of me.
My dear you know these are the things I'm afraid of. These are the things I'm afraid of but I'm not afraid to talk about. These are the things I would say when you would ask. These are the things we would talk about hours into the night.
But my dear, these aren't all my fears.
I'm afraid I will get in a car accident and everyone will die but me.
I'm afraid of who I'll be in 10 years.
I'm afraid of getting raped.
I'm very afraid of getting raped.
But remember my dear? Remember what I really don't talk about? What I deny being afraid of but actually am?
I'm afraid of him.
I'm afraid he knows I'm the one who put him there.
I'm afraid he thinks it's my fault.
I'm afraid of the day he gets out of jail.
I'm very, very afraid for the day he gets out of jail.
I'm sorry, My dear. I'm sorry I lied.